RattleRR Configuration Price Comparisons

Prices reflect minimum configurations

Vendor and Product Liveware Publishing RattleRR Brio Enterprise 6.2.2 Cognos Business Intelligence Platform Crystal Enterprise 8 MicroStrategy 7
Price per server $3,000 / server n/a n/a $45,000 / proc $20,000 / cpu
 Price per user $0 / unlimited $55,000 / 100 $25,000 / 25 $3,495 / concur $95 (add'l cost) 
 Other costs     PowerPlay: $795 / client, $200 service

Impromptu: $795 / client, $199 maintenance

  Intelligence Server: $295 / user, $20,000 / cpu

Administrator: $14,995 / each

Architect: $2,995 / user

Transactor: $20,000 / cpu  

Some vendors place restrictions on the number of people that are able to view information as well as the means by which materials produced via their software may be used. Restrictions on the integration of their products within internally designed and built applications are also imposed. Crystal's license agreement is excerpted below to illustrate their approach to end-user licensing:

2.7. "Report Distribution System" means any process or system or combination of processes or systems that is or are used to automatically and/or regularly deliver, share or distribute Reports, without providing any Access to the Server Software: (a) to greater than fifty (50) end users directly, or (b) to a location that is accessible to greater than fifty (50) end users, who are reasonably likely to view or use the Reports. A Report Distribution System shall not include: (a) distribution of Reports in hard copy form; (b) manual distribution on a one-time or ad hoc basis; or (c) distribution of Client Applications created using the Royalty Free Runtime Software. For purposes of calculating the number of end users, you do not need to include any end user who otherwise has a valid license to use the Software or any of Seagate's other products (other than any product offered free of charge).

4.3. Creation of Report Distribution Systems. If you use the Software, Server Software or runtime software, together or separately or in combination with Server Environments, to create a Report Distribution System, you must acquire an Enterprise Broadcast License as a separate and standalone offering from Seagate. Information on how to acquire Enterprise Broadcast Licenses is set forth in the file "Server.hlp" and at http://www.seagatesoftware.com/products/crystalreports/.



Source for non-Liveware products: "Business Intelligence Software:  Get Smart," Stephen S. Ross, PC Magazine, August 1, 2001

RattleRR's price per user is included with each single server license